Home Style Green - Sustainable Design and Building

In part 2 of this insulation introduction, I discuss the main types of insulation used for ceilings, floors and wall. 

For more information about insulation materials, check out Level.org.nz from BRANZ:


For more on the properties of wool, including great microscopic imagery, check out:




Direct download: 003_Home_Style_Green.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:55pm NZST

In this episode of Home Style Green, I discuss the basic physics of insualation. I give an overview of the three main types of heat transfer, that is conduction, convection and radiation. Most bulk insulation products on the market rely almost entirely on reducing conduction. 

I discuss what 'R-Value' means and the common materials of household insulation products. 

For more information, visit our site at: 


Also, for a more indepth discussion on insulation and 'R-Values', its hard to go past Wikipedia:


Direct download: 002_Home_Style_Green_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:45pm NZST