Tue, 4 March 2014
Louisa Chase is the Project Manager for EcoFest 2014. The festival runs from March 15th through to April 13th and has everything from films, to gardening and composting seminars, eco-house tours and even a sustainable fashion show. We discuss why Kaipatiki exists, the difference one person can make, and ‘Nana Technologies’. For more, be sure to check out http://kaipatiki.org.nz/ecofest/ and http://www.ecomatters.org.nz/what-s-on/ecowest-festival-2014/ Thanks to DOC for the dawn chorus on this week’s show. To listen to this, and other native New Zealand birds, go to:
http://www.doc.govt.nz/conservation/native-animals/birds/new-zealand-bird-songs-and-calls/ Also mentioned this week: