Tue, 9 April 2013
A few weeks ago now, I got up at 5 am to interview Ben, who lives in Hertfordshire in the UK. Ben has a blog and podcast called HousePlanningHelp.com and he shared with me his motivation, vision and plans for learning to build a good home in the UK. Listen in to find out what we have in common with people building and renovating houses on the other side of the world. What are some of the biggest issues for housing in the UK and how is it similar or different to NZ? And why should we all be following Wolfgang Feist? Ben's own very good blog site can be found at: http://www.houseplanninghelp.com You can also find Ben all over the web:
Resources that Ben mentioned The Sustainable Building Association: http://www.aecb.net/
Direct download: 27_House_Planning_Help_Ben_Adam_Smith.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:13pm NZST |